A Greenbrier High School student discovered a classmate’s notebook with writings about mass murder and suicide, leading to the classmate’s suspension and medical treatment.
No charges have been filed against the notebook’s author, but sheriff’s Capt. Steve Morris said an investigation remains open.
A report says the student who wrote about mass murder is a special education student who suffers from Asperger syndrome. That is a developmental disorder related to autism and characterized by higher than average intellectual ability coupled with impaired social skills and restrictive, repetitive patterns of interest and activities.
Lance Poss, the county’s director of school safety, did not return repeated phone calls this week seeking comment on the possible threats. But Capt. Morris said school officials “are aware of it.”
“I don’t know how direct those threats are either,” Capt. Morris said. “The comments are so vague.”
Greenbrier Assistant Principal Casey Dees told investigators that a student found the notebook with writings about Satanism, serial killers, mass murder and suicidal thoughts. A deputy read the writings and determined the student was a threat to himself and others, according to a sheriff’s report. The assistant principal said the school was aware the student has thoughts of Satanism, mass murder and suicide.
The teen’s parents told the deputy that they were unaware of the extent of their son’s obsession with Satanism, serial killers, mass murder and suicidal thoughts.
The officer “determined the best course of action was medical treatment in lieu of a pursuing a criminal charge against him,” a report says.
“Dees stated the Columbia County School Board would agree to any recommendation of the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office,” the report says. “The (teen’s parents) also agreed the best course of action was medical treatment. The Columbia County School Board was still going to proceed with their disciplinary policy which included suspending (the student) from school.”
The deputy transported the student to GRU and released him into the custody of the medical personnel.